And the birth of Bittersweet Crimson.
So here it is folks.
After 2 years of dreaming, imagining, writing, singing, playing, listening……
This past 2 years has literally been a labour of love.
Every day, playing the beautiful Classical style guitar, made for me by George Lowden.
The guitar pulled some of these songs out of me.
I decided to find a heartbeat and stay with it for this record.
Simplify my playing.
Create space for some friends to step into.
Steve, Jon, Robbie and myself in the studio in February.
Then later Adam.
And finally Niamh to close the story.
For 2 years these new songs have been flowing through me like a calm old river.
And now I send them off, out into the world.
This is always a bittersweet feeling; the letting go.
Been holding these songs close to my heart these past 2 years.
For sure we all did the best we could.
I really hope it shows.
Big thanks to everyone, especially Brian Masterson.
Myriam who designed the artwork.
Lorcan who painted so true.
Dutec in Limerick.
Matthew and Damian at the filming…..
Anne and Alastair at the website.
Ellie, Amelie and Charlotte, Gaynor, Brendan, Gijs, Katha, Martina
and Rena all helping get the good news out……and and and.
I have always felt the healing power of songs.
And always hoped that songs can help bring us together.
In this time of distancing, I really hope these songs can do a little healing
and bringing together.
Even a little will do.
I remember when Can We Stay was written.
It was a Summer’s evening in 2018
Very simply; an old love remembered.
Old as the moon itself; old as life.
A love that had it’s time; remembered in a song.
The moment this song was written, I had a good feeling; that the writing could begin.
And so it did.
And here it is.
Thank you everyone who helped.
Everyone who hears.